Look For The Light

My teens were tumultuous, to say the least. For a myriad of reasons, I didn’t think I’d see twenty-one. In fact, I didn’t want to. Those years were dark, and I was lost in that darkness. But amidst the shadows, I found a glimmer of hope—a lifeline extended by some incredible individuals who quite literally saved me and remain my family to this day.

There are countless ways in which they helped me see the light. It was during this turbulent time that I picked up my first camera and we headed into the Colorado hills. Hiking, camping, and seeking out adventure led me to admire the intricate details of the world around me. In the midst of nature’s grandeur, I found solace in the smallest of wonders—the delicate wildflowers, the texture of bark on trees, and all the little things that whispered of miracles.

Back then, photography was my escape, and film was my canvas. I cannot tell you how many rolls I went through, capturing everything that caught my eye. I zeroed in on the wonder, starting a love affair with photography that continues to shape my perspective to this day. The focus on details reshaped my worldview, opening my eyes to the magic that exists in every corner of our world.

But perhaps the most profound connection I’ve found is with nature itself, and now, I’m passing that love on to my children. Watching them marvel at the intricacies of the natural world—smelling flowers, gazing at the moon and stars, collecting all the rocks—fills me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. I see in them the same appreciation for the little things, the same feeling of belonging in the woods, and I know that this connection will be their salvation too.

In the end, it’s the beauty of the overlooked, the unnoticed, and the magic everywhere that keeps me going. It’s what I seek, what I see, and what I strive to capture with every click of my camera. And in sharing this love with my children, I find hope for the future—a future where they, too, will look for the light in the darkness.

-Faith Danielle

The Power of Intention: Carving Out Time for Creativity

As I continue to learn and grow, one thing has become increasingly clear to me: the way we spend our time shapes the lives we lead. It’s about the intentional use of time, allowing ourselves to follow our passions and indulge in the things that bring us joy. For me, that means prioritizing creative pursuits and carving out time to nurture my artistic soul.

I firmly believe that I have the time for creativity—it’s just a matter of making it a priority. So, I’ve made a conscious effort to be intentional and purposeful in how I spend my days. Whether it’s setting aside moments between the chaos of family life or finding pockets of inspiration in the everyday, I’m committed to making time for my art.

Take, for example, the series I recently created. It was crafted in the brief window of time between one kid getting on the bus and the other heading out the door—no more than thirty minutes. But it wasn’t spontaneous; it was the result of days of thought and preparation. With flowers in hand and a clear concept in mind, I seized the opportunity when the light was just right. My eldest even joined in as my creative director, turning those fleeting moments into cherished memories.

But creativity isn’t always easy. It requires practice and dedication, a commitment to nurturing our artistic and spiritual selves. I’ve worked hard to cultivate these qualities, knowing that they’re essential to my well-being. And I’ve seen the results reflected back at me in the life I’m living—a life filled with purpose, passion, and joy.

So, my message is this: it doesn’t take the perfect moment or all the preparation in the world. It’s about making a commitment to intentional living, to make conscious choices each and every day. Because every moment, no matter how small, holds the potential for peace and happiness. And that, my friends, is a pursuit worth prioritizing.

-Faith Danielle

It’s In The Details

In a world filled with distractions and hustle, I’ve made it my mission to slow down and notice. Not just to glance, but to truly see—to appreciate the intricate details and hidden beauty that surround us every day. It’s become a habit, a practice of mindfulness and awareness that has enriched my life in countless ways.

Over the years, I’ve learned to seek out the magic in the ordinary. To pause and admire the delicate patterns of a leaf, the play of light and shadow on a wall, or the subtle hues of a passing sunset. It’s in these quiet moments of observation that I find inspiration and solace.

One particular memory stands out—a tiny flower, barely half an inch in size, clinging to the rough bark of a tree. It was easily overlooked, overshadowed by the grandeur of the surrounding landscape. But to me, it was a symbol of resilience and beauty in the face of adversity. Its image has stayed with me, a constant reminder that treasures often hide in plain sight.

In photography, as in life, the beauty is in the details. It’s about honing our awareness and training our eyes to see beyond the surface. To capture the essence of a moment, not just its outward appearance. It’s a practice that requires patience and persistence, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Through my lens, I strive to convey the beauty and wonder of the world as I see it. To share those fleeting moments of magic that too often go unnoticed. Whether it’s the intricate patterns of a frost-covered leaf or the soft glow of dawn breaking over the horizon, each image tells a story—a testament to the power of observation and the art of noticing.

As we journey through life, let’s make a conscious effort to notice. To pay attention to the small miracles unfolding around us and to find joy in the simplicity of everyday moments. Because it’s in these moments, these tiny details, that the true magic of life resides.

-Faith Danielle

Trinkets and Touchstones

In moments of quiet reflection, our minds often drift back to memories and the influence of loved ones in our lives. Recently, my thoughts have been consumed by recollections of my grandparents. Their presence lingers throughout my home, visible in corners adorned with their belongings—a tapestry of trinkets, each carrying a story, a memory, a fragment of their essence.

Among these treasures —a quaint milk lamp, a broken music box, carefully curated books, and delicate lace—once considered mundane, now transformed into poignant touchstones. They evoke a sense of connection, serving as tangible reminders of the impact my grandparents had on my life.

As a photographer, I am naturally drawn to moments that encapsulate life’s fleeting beauty. In these trinkets I find touchstones and discover a wellspring of inspiration. Today, I’ve chosen to immortalize these treasures through my lens. Through the art of photography, I’ve elevated these trinkets into something more—an embodiment of the narratives that bridge past and present, a poignant reminder of the enduring love that resides within. As I photograph these objects, I’m overcome with emotions—grief, love, nostalgia, gratitude, and grievances—all interwoven into each image.

Reflecting on these images, I’m reminded of photography’s transformative power—to not only freeze moments in time but also to evoke emotions, narrate captivating stories, and preserve cherished memories.

May we all find solace and healing in the memories we hold dear, and may we continue to discover beauty in the everyday objects that serve as timeless reminders of love and legacy.

-Faith Danielle

Chasing Light: A Morning Meditation in Creativity

There’s something magical about that sliver of light that dances through my window each morning. It’s like a gentle whisper, inviting me to pause and pay attention to the beauty around me. Today, I decided to seize that moment and make it my own.

I’ve always been drawn to light – the way it plays across surfaces, casting shadows and illuminating hidden corners. It’s a constant source of inspiration for me, a reminder to look for the beauty in the everyday.

These days, I make a conscious effort to let my intuition guide me in my creative pursuits. I’ve learned to treat moments of inspiration as precious gifts, knowing that they can easily slip away amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. So when that sliver of light caught my eye today, I knew I had to follow it.

With nothing more than a few props from around the house and some flowers I picked up while waiting for the pharmacy to open, I set to work capturing that fleeting moment of beauty. It was nothing extravagant, just a simple setup in the hallway where the light fell just right.

But in that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of morning sunlight, I felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over me. It was a reminder that beauty is everywhere – in the simplest of moments, if only we take the time to notice.

The result of my impromptu photo shoot is a series of images that offer a glimpse into the subtle beauty that surrounds us each day. It’s a reminder to slow down, to savor the little moments, and to appreciate the beauty that exists in even the most unexpected places.

As I look back on these photos, I’m reminded of the importance of chasing light – both literally and figuratively. Because sometimes, it’s in the pursuit of those fleeting moments of beauty that we find the truest expressions of ourselves.

So here’s to chasing light, to following our intuition, and to finding beauty in the everyday. After all, it’s often in the simplest of moments that the most profound beauty can be found.

-Faith Danielle

Embracing Change: A New Chapter for Look 4 Light Photography

As I sit down to write this, my heart is brimming with excitement and gratitude. Look 4 Light Photography has been a journey fueled by my unwavering passion for photography, with the business aspect acting as its driving force. It has been a way to turn a cherished hobby into a fulfilling source of income. Today, as I stand at the threshold of change and evolution, I am thrilled to reintroduce Look 4 Light Photography as more than just a business – it’s a canvas for me to share the way I see the world.

From the beginning, Look 4 Light has been a journey of self-discovery through the lens. It’s been about capturing the essence of fleeting moments, celebrating spontaneity, and finding beauty in the ordinary. However, my perspective has evolved, and with it, the purpose of Look 4 Light. It’s no longer just a means of income; it’s a medium for sharing my artistic voice.

Specializing in creative and spontaneous photoshoots, Look 4 Light is now a haven for capturing the world through my unique lens. Whether it’s a fun, impromptu shoot or a meticulously styled session for experimentation and exploration, each photograph is a piece of my artistic expression. When it comes to photographing people, my aim is to encourage play and authenticity, adopting a lifestyle approach that immortalizes genuine moments.

I want Look 4 Light to be a reflection of awe, an opportunity to see the world and its beautiful details over and over again. While we will still be taking on clients, with a focus on senior and family shoots on a limited basis, the primary direction of Look 4 Light is shifting towards creativity and artistic expression.

Moving forward, Look 4 Light Photography is not just a service; it’s a journey. It’s about sharing my unique vision and voice, inviting you to join me in seeing the world through a different perspective. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey so far, and I’m thrilled to see where the path of creativity and exploration takes us next.

With gratitude and excitement,

Faith Danielle

Let’s talk about love…

Getting outdoors and finding that space where clients are comfortable is the best. When they reach that point in the session where they are just together you get the most candid shots. I love what you can capture when people settle in and give you their true selves.

These two engagement shoots gave me an opportunity to photograph all the love of some people I love!